Saturday, March 13, 2010

I would like to inform you about the situation in Iraq especially in oil industry, being a fine exampled from the report on BBC radio.
International investors will be watching closely the outcome of parliamentary elections in Iraq later this week.

Iraq's economy is dominated by the oil industry and its massive oil reserves. The country has hugely ambitious plans to expand production, and already oil deals have been agreed with foreign companies. But seven years since the American-led invasion, political uncertainty remains, and suicide bombings in the central city of Baquba show the security situation is still volatile. And 7 millions of $ have been spent on repairing Iraq's infrastructure.

Oil contracts have already been signed with foreign companies, even though Iraqi politicians have failed to agree on a Hydrocarbons Law. But the development of Iraq's dilapidated oil sector has become an election issue. Oil Minister of Bugdad, Dr Hussein Sharistani says existing oil contracts will not be re-visited by a future government.

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