Monday, December 21, 2009

I had listened a very interesting report on the BBC radio in Business Daily section called "Work and you: Things can only get better". In this report one of important questions was discussed.There was the payment for unemployment.

The quantity of unemployment rises up when the economy comes in recession. Demand for products falls an soon rises up, but employment start hiring some month later. And I must mention that it is very difficult to find a job in some regions. For example in Sinegal people looking for a job in different companies but without  success. The government try to solve this problem by  political programs and other methods  of legal regulations. But it is very difficult to encourage people in this time, time of international economical collapse  for some countries and world crisis. That is why the forecasts of International Labor Organizations are not reassuring.   But I hope that this situation must become stable, but it might be wrong opinion.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I have listened the  BBC  business daily report about famous economist and Nobel Prize-Winner Paul Samuelson, who try to help American economics to emerge from the great depression.He was a great economist.Yes, he WAS....because he died at the age of 94 on recent Sunday. And from this report I understand that he played an important role in world economy not only in American economy. And his main achievement,from reporter words, was that fact that he could bring up together different brunches of the subject into logical hole.

But I must mention that it was rather difficult for me to understand clearly all information from this report, especially details.I think it is very very interesting to comment reports and I will try to do my work on the best way. I hope I can.