Tuesday, May 25, 2010

From Business Daily:"Controlling the Internet" 11:32 am Tuesday,25th May,BBC World Service.
May be my analytical report will be a diviation from my basic theme, but it is rather important and I a couldn't leave it without any attention.
What is the matter? Governments and companies want to control the Net.
A real battle coming up all over the world.And some experts said that it computationally was a moment when the first step what had became the decline in the Internet.The most worrying is that the true web freedom is distincted by the government.Users said that they couldn't live in the Internet World without freedom because all their live are absolutely controlled and they need it.
All over the world the government want more more control.They want to restrict Internet Services. In Iran government restrict political material,in Pakistan - Antiislamist comments and there is also debates in US.Some sites were absolutely democratic, opened to the world, but...
Internet now is a connection between government and citizens, sellers and consumers. And the restriction of the work in official sites like I-phone-Stores and other pilots sites will not be a right decision and will not provoke positive attitude.
Being a frequent visitor of the Internet can say that it is burning question which must have a solution.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It'll be interesting and actual to discuss the questions about free global trade.
I was informed about the situation in the world and as a main subject-free global trade from the BBC Radio.( Business Daily, the report "Free global trade").
It is no matter America, China or Europe have a remission. Every change in economic situation in pioneer countries influence on the other countries.It is not a secret for us. Because of world glottalization leading countries have one economic platform in order to deal with each other.It helps in economical and political communications an of course to regulate free global market according to established rules in each country.
And what about the policy of Mr Abama?Besides the fact that America is a flagman in World Economy we mustn't mention that America also is a multinational country therefore it's very important to get free global trade going.Abama offers a protectionist policy in his country. And as for me it's a right decision. it'll help to avoid some problems in the market.But some countries in America after the selection about North American Free Trade agreement some countries like Canada and Mexico didn't agree withe American Government policy because from their point of view American government makes life difficult for Canadian Exports and Mexican trackers.
Lets go to live and to look)